Online Safety

Online Safety is of vital importance in this technological age. Not only are children using ICT in school, but also in their homes. It is our job as parents / carers and educators to ensure that children know how to use the internet both successfully and safely.
There is a world of quality educational resources available online and when used properly, these can effectively aid the learning of the children who use them. At CPS we believe ICT is important at all ages and the significance of Online Safety is reinforced throughout the school. We conduct a series of age appropriate activities throughout the key stages to educate our pupils about the risk of accessing inappropriate content as well as highlighting any contact, conduct and commercial risks. We promote good online safety practice by celebrating Safer Internet Day and conducting a series of workshops for pupils and parents on how to act appropriately and safe stay.
Please find below some useful information for pupils and parents...
Bringing up a child in the 21st Century
Jigsaw film clip from CEOP on personal information
Please also see our Safeguarding Policy, Anti-Bullying policy, Online Safety/ Acceptable Use of Internet Guide, Mobile and Digital Technology policy for more information.
Check out this link.....It is great for checking apps that children are using are age appropriate and lets you know what content is in each app.
There is a service now free in o2 that parents can take devices to if they wish so they can help set the parental settings. 👍
Digital Wellbeing
Google have also developed a Digital Wellbeing Family guide to assist families in tackling tough questions and starting productive conversations. Click on the link below for access.
Digital Wellbeing Family Guide
Department of Education Safer Schools NI App
The Department of Education in Northern Ireland has released the award-winning "Safer Schools" app for free! This is an excellent resource which provides easy access to useful, up-to-date information on E-Safety. There is a version of the app aimed specifically at parents / guardians of primary aged pupils. Click on the link below for further details on content and how to download via either the Google Play Store or iOS.
Netiquette is a term that is used to describe acceptable and appropriate online behaviour. Some characteristics of this behaviour include:
- being courteous;
- being diplomatic;
- showing sensitivity to others (including cultural awareness);
- using acceptable and appropriate language;
- using acceptable and appropriate content; and
- publishing acceptable and appropriate content."
A media-rich learning experience is something which has numerous benefits and cannot be undervalued. Use this page and the links at the bottom to help ensure that these learning experiences foster a love for learning and a knowledge of how to stay safe online. Here are some safety tips to get you started...
When you’re online, always keep your personal stuff private and think about what you say and do.
Remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Online friends are still strangers even if you have been talking to them for a long time.
Don’t share personal information online. This includes:
- your full name
- photos
- addresses
- school information
- telephone numbers
- places you like to spend time
Make sure you have set your privacy settings to restrict access to personal information.
When you use chat rooms or instant messenger, use a nickname instead of your real name.
To stop people accessing your online accounts, always keep your passwords secret and change them regularly.
Think about blocking people who send you nasty messages and don’t open unknown links and attachments.
Always delete emails from people you don’t know, and don’t open attachments from people you don’t know. They might be nasty or contain a virus that can stop your computer working.
If someone is mean or sends nasty messages online, block them.
If you see anything that upsets you online or if someone asks to meet you, flag it up with someone you trust.
If you are worried or unhappy about anything you see online, tell a parent or an adult you trust and they can help you. If you want to talk to someone else, you can call Childline on 0800 1111.
If a friend you have made online asks to meet you in the offline world, talk to your parents or a trusted adult about it. You should never meet up with someone you have met online without an adult going with you because it is dangerous.
If someone you know is being nasty to someone online, speak to a parent or trusted adult about it.
Castledawson Primary School 72 Main Street Castledawson, Magherafelt, BT45 8AB | Phone: 028 79 468309