Parent & Teacher Association

Castledawson Primary School has a very active and enthusiastic Parent and Teacher Association. The aims of the Association are to promote the school in the community by organising events and to raise funds to support various curricular initiatives and projects. In recent years they funded materials such as reading books to supplement our reading schemes, signage/ gates for our school premises as well as additional ipads ensuring there is enough for every child and a smart board for every class. All these resources were a wonderful asset to our school and were greatly appreciated by staff and pupils. The PTA are invaluable to our school and we benefit greatly from their hard work and commitment.
A variety of activities are planned every year which draws families and friends of the school from Castledawson and the wider community. Events such as our Valentines Disco, Treasure Hunt, Table Quiz, Fun Night and Coffee Mornings are also organised by the PTA.
The Parent's Association Committee are grateful for the support of all parents. If you are a parent and would like to be more actively involved in planning and helping out at various events, please speak with Mrs Johnston or any member of the PTA.
Please follow the link and complete if you’re interested in being involved in our 2023-2024 PTA.
Castledawson Primary School 72 Main Street Castledawson, Magherafelt, BT45 8AB | Phone: 028 79 468309