The Cold Lands - There
As we begin to observe signs of spring here our learning about the Cold Lands turn to the Arctic and Antarctic. In our play we are exploring life in the polar regions of the Arctic. Children have been using ice breakers to clear ice in the water tray and spot seals, polar bears and whales. In the sand they have been playing with these animals creating environments with blue sand and foam icebergs. We have been learning to identify these animals playing Arctic lotto on the interactive board. Our small world is based on exploring life in an igloo which will be extended in future weeks with role play. We have also been playing a igloo building game. We loved making snow this week using cornflour and conditioner; this is definitely our favourite dough!
Castledawson Primary School 72 Main Street Castledawson, Magherafelt, BT45 8AB | Phone: 028 79 468309