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Castledawson Primary School

STEM visit

20th Jun 2024

The children in room 5 enjoyed a visit from Sentinus today and made lots of models based on parts of an aeroplane. They made wings, a propeller and rockets.✈️ 

The boys and girls started off making a wing and understanding its purpose on an aeroplane. They learnt that the curved part and the air is what made the wings lift. 

Then Roy explained how a propeller needs thrust to go forward and how it is pulled back by drag. The children made a model and Roy demonstrated how a propellor can moved clockwise or anti clockwise, depending on how paper is folded in a certain way and moved through the air.

Room 5 also got to see how a dragon fly worked whereby the stalk was rolled between your hands and the dragonfly was pushed forward to create movement. Roy explained the speed of the movement was greater at the top as the air was pulled in and created lift.

Finally, the children got to make rockets with tubes, paper and plastic caps. Paper was rolled around the tubes and sealed with tape. A cap was pushed inside and over the paper to keep it airtight. This process helped to pressurise the air and encourage lift.

The boys and girls had great fun launching the rockets into the air and finding out whose went the highest and the furthest! Some children even tried to catch them on the way down!!