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Castledawson Primary School

Safer Internet Day

23rd Feb 2025

Today in Room 4 we took part in a BBC live lesson to learn about online safety. We found out about phishing and scams and discovered that the word SCAM can help us remember the things we should look out for when deciding if something we see or hear is trustworthy. 

Does it SEEM too good to be true?
Is it CONTACT you weren’t expecting?
Does it ASK for personal information?
Is there a request for MONEY or something else in exchange for the offer?

We completed activities where we had to decide if something was a scam or a trustworthy message and then learned about the recipe for a safe and secret password that won’t be easy to guess before creating our own 🤫
There was some brilliant discussion about things we have seen and heard that seemed too good to be true and lots of great ideas about how we should react and how we can report these things. Super work Room 4 🤩