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Castledawson Primary School

Room 4 activities

16th Apr 2021

Room 4 have had a busy week back after the Easter break. As well as lots of learning we’ve been having lots of fun.

We created some lovely daffodil art and reminded ourselves how God, who takes care of the birds and the flowers, also cares about us. We also discussed negative and positive feelings/ thoughts and talked about ways we can ‘recognise, reject and replace’ negative thoughts. We will continue to practice this so it becomes a habit and we created posters for our bedrooms that will help us remember different ways to stay positive.  

We also enjoyed lots of activity outdoors and indoors and our favourite on Feel Good Friday is an obstacle course!  

Everyone had also been busy in numeracy learning their tables ahd completing multiplication activities and Mrs McCusker is so so proud at how well everyone knows their tables. 👏👏👏👏

In literacy we have been writing in paragraphs while also writing about our most memorable day over the Easter holidays. Parents are in for a big treat when these are finished and published on seesaw next week. We’ve been taking our time and up levelling our writing as we go along by adding exciting words, adverbs, adjectives etc. Mrs McCusker has been so impressed so far and can’t wait to read the finished recounts.

Brilliant boys and are an amazing bunch and we are so proud of you. ♥️♥️