Outdoor Play
Room 1 have been enjoying outdoor play exploring different areas of our playground. The children love using the trikes navigating around the road track and stopping off to refuel. Construction is a popular choice and we certainly have some very industrious workers who have been working together to build shelters for us and homes for our pets. Mark making has been explored using chalk and magic writing using paintbrushes and water. We have created music for our friends and made many meals in our mud kitchen. Children have had the opportunity to explore living things digging in our vegetable beds encountering minibeasts. In the water tray they have problem solved to help the spiders move through the water pipes. Our latest experiences have involved some inventive play based in our boat. We love the outdoors🥰
Castledawson Primary School 72 Main Street Castledawson, Magherafelt, BT45 8AB | Phone: 028 79 468309