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Castledawson Primary School

Primary 5-6

Hi Everyone

Welcome to Room 4!

Mrs Nelson is the teacher and she will do her best to help everyone fulfil their potential and to get the most from this year in school with lots of learning and fun.  In school we want the boys and girls to feel happy, safe and supported to be themselves and do their best. 

We start off the year learning about World War 2.  We look forward to finding out lots of facts and information about the countries involved in the conflict, the blitz, what it was like to live at that time during rationing, the lives and experiences of evacuees and the ways we remember those who have died during wars in the past.  This is a fantastic topic which the children really enjoy and it also lends itself well to a range of ICT, science, technology and art activities which help bring our learning to life.  We have a class trip to the War Museum in Belfast planned for November so we will be looking forward to that. 

Most of our communication with parents is via Seesaw and all news and information is shared as well as the ability to access your child's learning journal. An update of the week's learning is published on Seesaw on Sunday evening as well as information about homework.  Homework is given at the start of the week and you can complete it at a pace that suits you and your schedule as I know you are all busy little people who have busy lives outside of school! Homework (in accordance with our school Homework Policy) shouldn't take anymore than 45 minutes daily.

Our priority as always, is the happiness, safety and well-being of our pupils so we will be focusing on developing resilience and independence through daily activities that will promote well-being through healthy bodies and minds. 

We look forward to a great year in Room 4 and will keep you updated on our activities with regular posts on our website page and class Seesaw :) 



6th Mar 2025
World Book Day has to be one of the most exciting dates in the school calendar and...
2nd Mar 2025
Room 4 enjoyed a visit to the book fair. It is lovely now as we get older that we...
2nd Mar 2025
Room 4 enjoyed another wellbeing day with lots of fun and practical learning. ...
23rd Feb 2025
Today in Room 4 we took part in a BBC live lesson to learn about online safety....

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