Primary 4
Welcome to Room 3!
Miss Glendinning is the teacher and there are two wonderful classroom assistants too. Every adult is committed to helping everyone feel happy and safe and ensuring you reach your full potential.
In Room 3 we love to learn, grow and investigate with our peers every day!
This term our topic is βHouses and Homesβ. We are looking forward to exploring the world around us through lots of different learning activities. Throughout our topic we will be exploring where we live and the different types of houses. We will explore where the UK is on the map and be able to locate the countries and their capital cities in the UK. During our topic we will learn our addresses and be able to describe the area where we live. The children will explore how a house is designed and what is needed in a house. The boys and girls will take part in lots of investigations carry out lots of research which they will use alongside their own knowledge to support their literacy tasks.
In Numeracy we will be developing our understanding of number and number notation. We will explore and count numbers within beyond 100, be able to count in twos, fives, tens to help with our times tables. In addition, we will further explore and develop an understanding of the place value of numbers progressing up to 1000 and will be completing addition and subtraction using exchange.
In Room 3, we will continue to develop a love for reading and listening to stories. We show our understanding of stories by looking at characters, settings and explaining our favourite parts. This term, we will be writing recounts about our summer holidays and working on developing our sentence formation and extending our description, always striving to become more independent writers. All reading books need to be in school everyday. Please try and read with your child at least four times a week as this can help improve your child's, spelling, vocabulary, writing and reading.
Primary 4 children will continue with homework as they have in previous years. Homework will be given out each Monday and is to be completed and handed in by the Friday, in the correct homework folder. Your child will have spelling, maths facts and reading homework Monday to Thursday. There will be some weeks where we use online programmes for homework e.g. IXL, Reading Eggs, Spelling Frame. These are a vital part of their learning and will be monitored so please encourage your child to be complete these tasks.
Every day we love to take time out to talk about our feelings and those of others around us, we are working hard to build resilience and get to know ourselves even better.
Every day is a learning day!!!
If you have any worries or concerns, please feel free to send a message on Seesaw.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Miss Glendinning.
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Castledawson Primary School 72 Main Street Castledawson, Magherafelt, BT45 8AB | Phone: 028 79 468309