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Castledawson Primary School

Rights Respecting School

Castledawson Primary school aims to be an environment where needs of every pupil are captivated and developed.  As part of our safe and friendly community school, we are proud of our Silver Rights Aware status and aim to begin work for our Gold Rights Respecting School award by UNICEF.   

UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for pupil and their rights. In 1989, governments worldwide promised all pupil the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential.

Our award ensures our pupils grow even further to become (RICH) respectful, inclusive, compassionate and honest individuals both in school and in their communities.  By educating pupil about their rights we are ensuring that pupil are developing these qualities and are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Castledawson Primary school pupils are encouraged to think about how their actions and behaviour affects them and the people around them both inside the classroom and throughout school life.  The charter’s around school reinforce our positive behaviour policy and ensures we maintain a positive and safe learning environment for all pupil. Each class has discussed and made a class charter that help us ensure these rights are available for each child and we highlight the importance of respecting our class charters.

This year, our Rights Respecting School Ambassadors will ensure that every child within our school feels that their opinions will be heard and that they feel safe and confident in voicing their opinion.  They will work closely with the Eco Council and School Council to represent the pupils voice within the school. We will be working with UNICEF's 'OUTRIGHT' programme which will be about children and young people's mental health.

Every year OUTRIGHT empowers children and young people to realise their own rights and speak out in support of the rights of all children.

How Castledawson Primary School already promotes pupil’s rights:

Anti-Bullying policy – Article 19: the right to be safe and to be protected from violence and/or neglect.

Provides a range of extra-Curricular activities – Article 15: the right to meet with other pupil and join groups that you choose.

Our School Ethos – Article 28: the right to education.

We are a healthy/eco school – Article 6/24/27 : the right to live, survive and have the right to healthy food and water.

Foundation stage – Article 28/29/31 – the right to education, to play and to work to be the best that you can be.

Numeracy and Literacy Framework – Article 28/29 right to education and working towards becoming the best that you can be.

Our Pastoral Care team – Article 12/19/36 – to be heard and respected, to be protected from violence, abuse and neglect.

Our Pupil Council – Article 12 – to have our pupil voice heard.

For more information




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Today Room 1 welcomed P1 from New Row St. Patrick’s to our school. Together...
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In September, each class created their own class charter. Each child had the opportunity...