Pupil Leadership

The importance of pupils taking ownership of the learning and having greater roles within school in decision-making is greatly recognised in Castledawson Primary School.
Encouraging pupils to participate in pupil leadership opportunities in order to develop new skills forms an important part of each child's development in CPS. Whether it is developing pupil leadership in the classroom (encouraging decisions about teaching, learning and assessment, creating a class charter, encouraging pupils to develop and share their own opinions, engage in debate etc) or in school and involving pupils in decision making in a variety of roles and participation in councils. Pupils are elected to meaningful roles of ambassadors or representatives and are involved in peer support, buddying and are encouraged to participate in consultation about aspects of school that may need change or improvement.
There are many opportunities for pupils to contribute to the life of the school in CPS through their engagement with specific roles which have been successful for both the pupils and wide school community including;
- Ambassador Team - Girl/ Boy Ambassadors, Deputy Girl/ Boy Ambassadors
- School Council
- Eco Council
- Rights Respecting Ambassadors
- Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
- Active Travel Ambassadors
- Playground Pals
- Digital Leaders
- P7 Buddies
- Prefects (Librarians, Sports, HOP helpers, Morning Greeters)
- DIY Team
We recognise how all our pupils are invaluable and each opinion matters. We strive to continue to develop a culture where children know their voice is heard and many opportunities to capture their opinions are provided. Fostering leadership within our pupils and providing as many roles as possible for children to experience success is an area of school life that each member of staff is committed to developing.
Castledawson Primary School 72 Main Street Castledawson, Magherafelt, BT45 8AB | Phone: 028 79 468309