Location & Premises

Castledawson Primary School is situated just off the Main Street in the village of Castledawson, close to Magherafelt. Most of the children attending the school are from the local village and as a school we want to serve our community.
Our school is made up of 5 spacious, well resourced classrooms, each containing an Interactive Whiteboard, a sports hall (which also serves as a dining hall) and a canteen. We also have a newly built staffroom. There are two playgrounds with extensive playground equipment and markings and we have unlimited use of the adjoining Boyne Row pitch for sports and after school clubs. We love our school and take pride in keeping our premises in great condition.
At present we have five teachers and several experienced classroom assistants, all working enthusiastically to provide the best range of learning experiences for our children.
Castledawson Primary School 72 Main Street Castledawson, Magherafelt, BT45 8AB | Phone: 028 79 468309